Sunday, February 16, 2014

Training Starts Tomorrow!

This year I've made the commitment to run my first full marathon and I'm stoked!

Tomorrow is the first "official day" of my training program, so I thought I'd write a quick post about what I've been doing in my first two months of 2014 running.

I made a goal to run 800 miles this year after a humbling failure of last year's 1000 mile goal. With that in mind, I was out on the road trying to get some miles under my belt. In January I managed 45 miles and so far in February I've done 40 more.

What's keeping me running these days? A big part of it has been the "gamification" of running on MapMyRun. Through their "courses" feature, I created a course at Nehru Park and I've been hitting it often to push myself to the top of the leaderboard. I've let my friends here at school know about the course and now we're engaged in some healthy competition to have the fastest time in the Park Loop. Today I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out just how the scoring works. I'm a sucker for badges, leaderboards and the overall mind-control of gamification.

Also, I've managed two runs with progressively negative splits!

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