I am pleased to announce my fundraising campaign for Grandma's Marathon 2014. In the past two years, I have dedicated my training and my races to different charities. This year I'm doing the same.
And I'm very happy to tell you that this year you can help to make a very real difference.
On January 28, 2010, I lost a dear friend. Today, I'm finally doing something to honor his memory. I wrote this after he died.
One of my highlights growing up in Minnesota was going to YMCA Camp Miller every summer.
It taught me so many things about life that I would have never learned staying at home. I made friends, mistakes, and crafts out of leather.
When I was sixteen I joined the staff as a CIT and when I was 17, I was an Assistant Counselor. That's when I met Ty Taylor. He was an amazing guy that had a life story that blew my mind as a 17 year old from Minnesota. We worked together all summer and he was a big influence in my life. He inspired my love of adventure, my ability to laugh at myself, helped me appreciate the simple things that surrounded me and taught me about the value of unconditional friendship.
After that summer, I never went back to camp and Ty and I lost touch but just like the things I learned at camp, he was always a part of who I had become. Just a year ago, we met up again on Facebook and despite the 15 year gap, it was just like old times.
Last week, I received the terrible news that he had passed away after a routine surgery.Several of his friends from Camp Miller have been in touch and we are trying to set up a Campship in his name. If we can get together about 7000 dollars, the scholarship will accrue enough interest to be given to a deserving kid every summer.
I'd like to think that we're giving other campers a chance to meet their "Ty."
In 2010, we weren't able to make that goal. This year, I want to do everything that I can to make it happen. If the money can be raised, Camp Miller will give a deserving kid a campship in his name every year from now until forever. Ty would love that.
Please consider donating. It will help a kid have the experiences that I did and it will motivate me to keep running every day from now until raceday. And beyond, if necessary. Anyone who donates will have a run dedicated to them, and a write-up on this blog!
Here's the link for donating - http://www.duluthymca.org/give/ Just choose the Ty Taylor Campship option.
If you prefer, here's a direct link.
I'm running tomorrow, so who will make the first donation?
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