Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week One is Done!

My first week of soft training is finished! I logged six miles last weekend and 18.5 miles this week.

It's great to be back running. I've already had lots of company and I can feel my spirits lifting.

Here's looking forward to a great year of running.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Pitter Patter, Let's Get At 'Er!

Back to blogging and back to running. Too many excuses have clouded my thoughts and mind. To help me get back on track, I've signed up to run my first marathon. On June 21st, instead of running the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon, I'll be going all the way up to Two Harbors, MN and running the entire 26.2 miles to Canal Park.

In that spirit, two goals for 2014:

1. Run 800 miles (lessened from my overly ambitious 1000 mile goal from last year)
2. Finish first marathon

Secret goal for 2014:
1. Actually run 1000 miles in spite of my newly expectation-lowered goal of 800 miles.

So far, I've been back in Delhi for four mornings and I've been for three runs. I've done the Nehru Park Loop three days strong.

9 miles down, 791 to go.

I've got this.

ps. Despite the lack of posts, I did run over 150 miles including 1 10-mile race since the last time I wrote anything. As you can imagine, they were all very interesting and anecdote-filled.