Monday, May 19, 2014

For Ben!

In a day of intense donating, Ben's was the first one in. This run's for you Ben!

Like most runs lately, this one started bright and early. It seems like only a few weeks ago at 6am it was dark and cold. Turns out, that was in February. It was 52 degrees Fahrenheit and dark as night. Today it was bright as midday and a pleasant 78 degrees. Mind you, it was 6am.

Usual suspects Keir and Bernie were reporting for duty this morning, so I knew I was in for a fast one. We set out for a 5 miler on the Bus Depot 5 Miler route. It's not a special route, but it's one that hasn't been done in a while, so we headed out.

Ever in search of coverage (see below), I took a turn I don't normally take. Turns out, I've run that street.

Pictured: Every street I've run in Delhi

This run goes down a street that I've affectionately(?) named Poop Street. There are soooo many street dogs on this street, it's crazy. Most of them are pretty chilled out, but the first few were pretty barky. I attempted the Jedi Mind Trick - "We don't need to bark at them. Move on."

Spotting an open gate as we hit the roundabout at Netaji Nagar Market, instead of calling out my normal "going right" "going left," I was inspired by a bit of silliness. I suggested that Bernie head right, that Keir head left and that I would split the roundabout straight down the middle.

It was all fun and games until there was no gate on the opposite side of the roundabout and I almost caught my shorts climbing the fence! Luckily, decorum prevailed and I was able to get over the fence without losing my cool (or my pants).

The next segment of the run traded dogs for monkeys, but they weren't interested in us. A few uphill segments and we were on the home stretch. Another turn designed to add to my coverage yielded an unmarked, but probably pre-run street. Time to take my Sharpie to my map!

This run belongs to Ben!

I'm dedicating runs to raise money for a campship in memory of our friend Ty Taylor at YMCA Camp Miller. Click here or here to donate. Please make sure you choose the Ty Taylor Campship option. And please let me know if you've made a donation so I can thank you!

Distance - 4.99 miles
Time - 37:51
Soundtrack - Sharon Van Etten, Tramp

Oh-and also, this. What a great day

Since March of 2012. Not bad.

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